
Is T-Mobile getting an iPhone?

  A few iPhone sites are reporting on a prototype model iPhone that is working on the T-Mobile 3G network.  With an internal model N94, 9TO5Mac has confirmed the iPhone has installed an iOS version similar to the earlier Vietnam videos circulating around the iPhone web sites.  The physical unit looks different from the white iPhone 4 photos that have also been circulating; the proximity sensor is in a different place.
  9TO5Mac thinks it is possible this unit is a test bed to work out any bugs with T-Mobile’s network.  It would be counter productive to be designing an iPhone 4 for T-Mobile when the iPhone 5 is so close to release.
  Of course, Apple has been known for disguising new prototype products in older model cases.  Apple had started that in their earlier days as Apple Computer in the Mac series/Apple III computers.
  This strange sighting has received a no comment (actually just silence) from Apple, so no one knows when this one will be released, if ever.
  BGR has managed to get a lot of photographs of this beast, and they are quite interesting.
  Since the AT&T acquisition of T-Mobile probably will get approval in a year or so, it would make sense to build a T-Mobile version iPhone.

